Congrès des Progessistes pour la Libération (CPL)




1. On this Monday 22 May 2000, the Congrès des Progessistes pour la Libération (CPL), announces to the national and international public, its decision to withdraw from the political forces front of the rebellion which is operating in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo.


2. Consequently, Shambuyi KALALA and Jim BALIKWISHA, both founding members of Le Rassemblement Congolais pour la Democratie (RCD), respectively, Secretary General and National Secretary in charge of the Organization and Management Training of RCD/Kisangani, are disengaged of all their responsibilities within this Movement. They are no longer members.


3. The CPL estimates that the best way to serve the Congolese people effectively in the search for a lasting peace and rebuilding of the country in ruin is to make the democratic forces autumns from the confusing forces in search of positioning. It is unacceptable to see the fight for the leadership continuing until the existence of all the fatherland is sacrificed.


4. The current period in Congo is a transition between the war and peace. The CPL would thus like to be free and unrestrained. It makes a point of supporting any constructive policy, which considers the fundamental interests of the Congolese people, and the concerns of the various groups interested in Congo.


5. The CPL reaffirms its commitment to militate for a quick pacification of Congo. This is why, on one hand, it supports the Lusaka’s Cease-fire Agreements of which some of its principal leaders are signatories, and on the other, it is actively committed to put forward the political negotiations between Congolese.


6. The CPL remains open to the dialogues with all the forces interested in a lasting peace in Congo, including all the warring factions.


7. The CPL considers that, in the current situation of military chaos in Congo, any political act of a group or a Congolese personality will not be appreciated except in connection with the requirement of all the Congolese people: PEACE. This is why it is assured that its decision will meet the comprehension of all the Congolese democrats and of all the democrats of everywhere in Africa and the world.


Made in Brussels 22 May 2000

For the CPL

Shambuyi Kalala, Jim Balikwisha,