Resolution Nr. 1

The economic and political situation in the world


Resolution Nr. 2

The advance of the struggle of the proletariat and the peoples


Resolution Nr. 3

On the perspective of the world communist movement


Resolution Nr. 4

On the perspective of the 7th International Conference and the preparation of the 8th International Conference


Solidarity Declaration Nr. 1

No to imperialist war of aggression of the United States against Afghanistan


Solidarity Declaration Nr. 2

End to massacre, isolation and torture


Resolution Number 1

The economic and political situation in the world

1. We are in the era of imperialism and prole-tarian world revolution. Lenin's writing "Impe-rialism the highest stage of capitalism" is a fundamental guidance for the concrete analysis of the present situation and its course of devel-opment.
The fundamental contradictions created by the imperialist world system remain valid and are intensifying:
• the contradiction between imperialism and the oppressed peoples and nations
• the contradiction between proletariat and bourgeoisie
• the contradiction among the imperialists themselves
The majority of the participants considers the contradiction between imperialism and op-pressed peoples and nations as the main con-tradiction today, while other participants hold the view that the present stage of the general crisis of imperialism is determined by an all-round intensification of all essential contradic-tions and that today we cannot speak of a clear focus of the struggle against imperialism and of the proletarian revolution on a worldwide scale.
2. An essential background for the growing ag-gressiveness of the imperialist powers against the peoples of the world and the international revolutionary working class movement, which struggle for their national and social liberation, is the economic development of the world economy. While the majority of participants consider that it has already entered a worldwide overproduction crisis, others hold the view that the world economy is in a transition to such a crisis. The world economy is essentially deter-mined by the development of the economic main forces. These are, aside from Japan, EU, China and Russia especially the USA as the biggest economic power.
The worldwide counterrevolutionary offensive of imperialism launched subsequent to the capitalist restoration in China since 1978 and intensified after the fall of the social-imperialist Soviet Union (where capitalism was restored following the 20th Party Congress of the CPSU) and its bloc in 1991 succeeded in eradicating historic achievements of socialism and of the working class and the peoples.
The development of this so-called neoliberal offensive on the economic level generated tre-mendous suffering for enormous masses of working people in the cities and countryside, for hundreds of millions of people in the whole world. It meant a brutal increase in unemploy-ment, cuts in the starvation wages, intensifica-tion of exploitation, massive displacement of peasants from their land, greater misery, seri-ous problems in the health system, housing and education. It bankrupted millions of peasants in the oppressed countries, forcing them to mi-grate to the cities to live there in intolerable misery.
The countries dependent upon and oppressed by imperialism were plunged into economic stagnation, financial ruin, the massive destruc-tion of productive forces and the systematic plundering of their resources and labor. In ad-dition, they are crushed by oppressive foreign debt.
With this policy, the imperialists and the local ruling classes tried to make the workers of their own countries and the oppressed peoples the ones to foot the bill for their crisis.
In spite of this, the crisis broke out in Southeast Asia in 1997, then in other countries, and most recently in Turkey and Argentina.
The USA now are in the midst of crisis. The ongoing decrease in industrial production since the end of 2000 has sped up from month to month, and in August 2001 production was 4.8 percent below the level of last year. In the USA the capacity utilization of 76.2 percent in the industry was even below the lowest level of the overproduction crisis at the beginning of the 1990s. Due to the relatively small share of ex-port the further course will mainly depend on private consumption. Here, mass unemploy-ment and wage cuts for the workers are forcing them to further reduce their expenditures. Out of 1 million industrial jobs that have been cut down during the last 12 months more than half of them have been cut down during the last 4 months.
In Japan industrial production has fallen con-siderably and is now at the same level as in the middle of 1999. 6 of the 15 EU countries regis-ter a decrease in the growth rates of the indus-trial production and of the GDP (Gross Domes-tic Product). In the UK, Spain and Finland in-dustrial production has already fallen abso-lutely. In Germany the growth of industrial production has decreased more and more since the beginning of the year. The expected de-valuation of the dollar will mainly affect the EU countries and the export- dependent FRG economy. The fall in the growth rates or the slump in industrial production in all the main economic regions makes it more difficult for the imperialist countries and mainly for the USA to shift the phenomena of the crisis onto other countries.
The USA put hundreds of billions of dollars in 8 reductions of the interest rates of the US cen-tral bank since the beginning of the year, in massive tax reductions for the monopolies and in growing military expenditures, without be-ing able to prevent the trend towards an over-production crisis. In the USA the consequences of the attacks on the WTC towers and the Pen-tagon can considerably speed up the develop-ment of the crisis.
We must not harbor illusions about the pros-pect that the economic world crisis will be a short one or will be the shorter the more the in-terest rates in the imperialist countries are be-ing reduced. As a side effect the international crisis on the stock market is deepening.
Company mergers, which tripled between 1990 and 1999 from about 9,000 to 25,000, as part of a monopolistic concentration process, have de-clined by 25 percent while the stock market value of the merging companies fell 54 percent in the first half of 2001.
The stock market and financial crisis has al-ready erupted in the "new economy" (computer sector) and rapidly expanded to the "tradi-tional" sectors, because the diverse sectors are no things separated from each other. Likewise, it does not seem that the war, as it is going on now, will create a big demand for industrial production as in World War II. And there will be no possibility of getting out of the crisis rap-idly.
The imperialist countries and monopolies con-tinue trying to shift this crisis to the colonial, semicolonial and dependent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America and the proletariat and the masses in their own countries.
The present development of world capitalism will result in an aggravation of the general cri-sis of capitalism at the beginning of the 21st century.
3. The economic, political and military antago-nism between the big powers (USA, EU, Japan, Russia and China) is tending to a multipolar world. No single major political problem in the world can be solved without taking these pow-ers into account. The USA as imperialist su-perpower arrogates to itself the role of "global cop". It is the biggest economic, political and military superpower, which generates 28.64% of world output and whose military power al-lows it to be present all over the world. It is the leader in the UN and NATO. The antagonism between the main imperialist forces tends to lead to the formation of new alliances and axes.
IMF, World Bank, WTO and other interna-tional organs are instruments of the imperialist countries and international monopolies to en-force their policies.
They do not do away with competition, but provide it with a framework in which the struggle of the imperialist powers and interna-tional monopolies for predominance is waged.
US imperialism has stated that the military ag-gression against the Afghan people is only the first military stage of a "New War". It is sig-nificant that, for the first time, all imperialist countries without exception have entered into an alliance in this New War to support the mili-tary activities of the USA and Britain. Russian imperialism also has agreed to collude politi-cally and militarily with the USA and the impe-rialist NATO countries Germany, Britain, France and others and expects that criticism of its bloody war in Chechnya cease. China sup-ports the imperialist "New War".
The US invasion of Afghanistan aims at the control of a geostrategically important Central Asian region rich in raw materials. Though the imperialist countries currently take joint action, this alliance will break up sooner or later. An imperialist war unfolds its own laws and can lead to a destabilization of the entire imperialist world system such as never witnessed since the Second World War.

4. Bush's ”New War” is a permanent declara-tion of war to the world under the pretext of combating terrorism. Bush stated that "every means of diplomacy, every possibility open to the intelligence services, every necessary weapon of war" will be used in this war. It is the expression of the failure of the so-called New World Order. The imperialists directly in-tervene and occupy, violating sovereignty and the right of self-determination with or without using the UN as a cloak. In 1999, NATO de-cided to deploy so-called crisis reaction forces against revolutionary struggles and liberation movements and independent states. Since then, it arrogates to itself the right to operate outside the so-called treaty area, practicing this in the imperialist war against Yugoslavia or currently in dramatic fashion in the occupation of Mace-donia. The entire structure of the military has long since been converted to do what is now being practiced against Afghanistan in the in-vasion. In the Andean countries of Latin Amer-ica, this is already being practiced in bloody fashion under the "Plan Colombia" to suppress revolutionary liberation movements by armed force. If one follows the logic of US imperial-ism, invasions in Iraq, Palestine, Syria or Su-dan could take place next under the pretext of "combating terrorism".
This is combined with an intensification of op-pression in the countries dependent upon impe-rialism and the fascistization of the state appa-ratus and massive curtailment of democratic rights and freedoms in the imperialist countries themselves. It includes intensive pyschological warfare in conjunction with open censorship and a climate of spying and control.

5. The International Conference intensely dis-cussed the question of the changes of the class relations in the world. The Conference also discussed the necessity for analyzing the causes of urbanization. The massive displacement of peasants from their land has contributed to a process of urbanization. The significance of the anti-globalization movement and the tasks of the communists with regard to this movement were also debated The International Confer-ence defends the leading role of the working class in the struggle for new democratic revolu-tions and socialist revolutions.

6. The development of imperialism as the high-est stage of capitalism gives rise to immense suffering for the masses. Technological pro-gress is accompanied by a great destruction of productive forces. The destructive effects of the capitalist mode of production can only be over-come if the forces of production are freed from their capitalist fetters. Only when the capitalist relations of production have been overthrown will the productive forces be able to develop such that they can satisfy the constantly grow-ing material and intellectual needs of society.

7. The imperialist war increasingly brings the workers and the masses of the people in the world into opposition against it. It will bring to a head all the contradictions worldwide. It has the potential to enable the proletariat and the oppressed peoples and nations to find a revolu-tionary way out in every country in the world. This obligates the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations to develop their work with this prospect in mind.


Signing parties and organizations:

• Marxist-Leninist Organization from Afghanistan, MLO Afghanistan
• Partido Comunista Revolucionario, P.C. R. Argentina
• Workers Party of Bangladesh, WP Bangladesh
• Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, MLPD
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Dominican Republic,
PC(M-L) Dominican Republic
• Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia, Greece
• CPI(ML) Janashakti, India
• CPI(ML) New Democracy, India
• Japanese Communist League, JCL Japan
• Revolutionary Organization from the Congo, R.O. Congo
• Communist Organization of Luxembourg, KOL Luxembourg
• Nepal Communist Party (Mashal), NCP (Mashal), Nepal
• GML/Rode Morgen, Netherlands
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Panama, PC (M-L) Panama
• Movimiento Popular Revolucionario Paraguay Pyahura M.P.R.P.P., Paraguay
• Partido Comunista del Peru (Marxista-Leninista), PC del Peru (M-L)
• Communist Party of the Philippines, CPP Philippines
• Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist), CPSA (M-L) South Africa
• Partido Communista Revolucionario, PCR Uruguay
• Ray O. Light Group, ROL, USA
• Revindo, Revolutionary Organization from Southeast Asia


Resolution Number 2

The advance of the struggle of the proletariat and the peoples


In the last few years the struggles of the prole-tariat and the people have advanced and many important anti-imperialist struggles have been carried out.
The working class and the peoples of Indone-sia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ec-uador, Paraguay, Peru and the Philippines over-threw their hated pro-imperialist governments.
Armed struggle for national liberation and new democratic revolution continues and keeps growing in the Philippines, India, Turkey and other countries. There is also armed struggle of great significance in Colombia, Sri Lanka and other countries. The peoples of Iraq, Yugosla-via and Chechnya, among others, courageously faced the aggression of imperialism. The peo-ples of Cuba, Libya and Korea are resisting the imperialist blockade and the threat of aggres-sion.
There have been unprecedented mass demon-strations in Seattle, Washington, Prague, Goth-enburg and Genoa, etc. in the USA and Europe, that is to say in the heart of imperialist coun-tries, against imperialist globalization. The movement against the US-led new war devel-oping all over the world shows that the de-legitimation of the imperialist order and propa-ganda continues. This movement is the best an-swer to the new anti-people hysteria that the imperialists attempt to impose.
The struggle of the working class in different countries has developed under difficult condi-tions. Strikes for the recognition of unions, higher wages and better working and living conditions have intensified in semicolonial, semifeudal and dependent countries.
Outstanding among other struggles are the fol-lowing:
• The workers’ struggles at General Motors and the workers’ struggles of the Charles-ton, S.C. dockworkers and the Post Office workers in the USA;
• the coordinating strikes and work stoppages against NIKE and DAEWOO in South Ko-rea, Indonesia and the Philippines;
• the big strikes of the car workers in Mexico and South Africa;
• of the metal workers and coal-miners in Germany;
• the struggles of truckers and railway work-ers in France.
In Europe there is a new trend in the working-class movement which is independent of the official trade unions and breaking the reformist framework.
It is important also to emphasize the upsurge of the revolutionary mass movements in Latin America. The most advanced struggles have been:
• the occupation of land and peasant demon-strations in Paraguay,
• the popular uprisings in Ecuador and Ar-gentina,
• the peasant marches in Bolivia and Brazil,
• the armed struggle in Colombia.
There were mass demonstrations against the WTO in India, and a one-day general strike was carried out. There are also instances of peasant struggles for land in the Philippines, India, Bangladesh and other countries. There is also advancement of the democratic struggles in other South East Asian countries. The Pales-tine people continues its struggle for independ-ence and against the aggression of the state of Israel and imperialism.
Imperialism unleashes the crisis on oppressed peoples and nations with the intention of ex-tracting super-profit. Both in imperialist and oppressed countries hundreds of millions of people are hit by the present crisis and are pressed down into horrible living and working conditions.
But on the other hand, the crisis gives way to the development of objective conditions and of gigantic mass movements of revolutionary con-tent. The success of these revolutionary move-ments depends on the leadership of the van-guard parties of the proletariat, guided by Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought.
In the context of the all-round attack of imperi-alism against the working class, the peoples and the nations, and particularly today in view of the Yankee aggression and the support of other powerful countries against the Afghan people, we take a stand towards the necessity of a worldwide movement against it.
This appeal has as its objects
• to stop the aggressive imperialist policy and the war, mainly against the Afghan people;
• to defend the peoples, the nations and the countries that become targets of the imperi-alist aggression through their embargoes and ultimatums;
• to defend the independence, integrity and sovereignty of the peoples and the countries from the piratical attack of the imperialist gangsters;
• to defend the working class and all working people from the attack against their living conditions, the dividing policies and the poison of racism, castism, xenophobia, and chauvinism;
• to defend life in all its forms from the de-struction provoked by imperialism on soci-ety, the environment and on the culture;
• to express international solidarity with all popular, democratic and revolutionary movements, to fight assassinations, torture and imprisonment of revolutionary and popular fighters and to stand also for de-mocratic rights of the people.
This is a long standing need. Revisionism and other lines (Trotskyism, neo-revisionism and Social-Democracy) have worked together and will go on doing it with the intention of avoid-ing the existence and development of such a movement.
A broad anti-imperialist movement is not a propaganda slogan: it is a commitment and a need that makes up and helps the struggle for the overthrow of the reactionary class in each country.
It is the Marxist-Leninist movement that must play the role of a protagonist.

Signing parties and organizations:

• Marxist-Leninist Organization from Afghanistan, MLO Afghanistan
• Partido Comunista Revolucionario, P.C. R. Argentina
• Workers Party of Bangladesh, WP Bangladesh
• Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, MLPD
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Dominican Republic,
PC(M-L) Dominican Republic
• Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia, Greece
• CPI(ML) Janashakti, India
• Japanese Communist League, JCL Japan
• Revolutionary Organization from the Congo, R.O. Congo
• Communist Organization of Luxembourg, KOL Luxembourg
• Nepal Communist Party (Mashal), NCP (Mashal), Nepal
• GML/Rode Morgen, Netherlands
• Workers’ Communist Party, AKP, Norway
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Panama, PC (M-L) Panama
• Movimiento Popular Revolucionario Paraguay Pyahura M.P.R.P.P., Paraguay
• Partido Comunista del Peru (Marxista-Leninista), PC del Peru (M-L)
• Communist Party of the Philippines, CPP Philippines
• Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist), CPSA (M-L) South Africa
• Partido Communista Revolucionario, PCR Uruguay
• Ray O. Light Group, ROL, USA (Note ROL: “Clarification to first point # 6: The work-ers struggles ΄against the WTO in Seattle and of the Charleston, S.C. dockworkers in the USA.”
• Revindo, Revolutionary Organization from Southeast Asia



Resolution Number 3

On the perspective of the world communist movement

1. The developments during the last decade and the way humanity entered the 21st cen-tury confirm in the most indisputable way that we are still in the era of imperialism; that, in order to attain a future without war, exploitation and national oppression, hu-manity has to confront and overthrow this parasitic and moribund capitalism.
2. The developments of the last years are also proving that – in spite of the declarations about the ”end of history” and the ”end of communism” and in spite of the huge re-treat provoked by the domination of revi-sionism – the only historically possible and necessary way out is socialism and com-munism. The sharpening of all the contra-dictions of imperialism/capitalism and the very existence of the communist parties and organizations show that we live in the era of the proletarian revolution.
3. All over the world, the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations are intensifying their struggle to face the duties posed by the historical moment. The responsibilities and the duties of the communists vary from country to country, region to region and from continent to continent. Each party, on its own responsibility, must formulate and carry out its strategy and tactics on the ba-sis of a concrete analysis of the concrete circumstances in each country. Neverthe-less, their struggles are interlinked by the red thread of the effort to open paths to-wards the proletarian revolution, through their struggle against the ruling classes and in close connection with the struggle against reformism, revisionism and Trot-skyism.
4. The discussion and exchange of opinions that took place within the 7th International Conference on the issue of the strategy and tactics of the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations arrived at certain general
conclusions, summed up as follows:
(a) In the struggle for socialism and com-munism, the working class cannot ac-complish its historical role without Marxist-Leninist strategy and tactics. The International Conference upholds the leadership of the proletariat in the new democratic and socialist revolu-tions. At the same time, it acknowl-edges that today the main force in the world revolution are the peoples in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The proletariat and the masses of the peo-ple have engaged in developing vari-ous forms of struggles based on their own experience, and it is the task of the Marxist-Leninist parties to develop these struggles of the masses, organize class and mass organizations and raise them onto a revolutionary level. To this end, the Marxist-Leninist party must be closely linked to the masses.
The two big paths towards the proletar-ian revolution that have been given to us as a legacy in the 20th century by the October Revolution and the Chinese Revolution remain timely. Their teach-ings provide a lively guidance for all forms of contemporary proletarian revolution.
(b) Semi-Colonial, Semi-Feudal and De-pendent Countries
In the semi-colonial, semi-feudal coun-tries, the path for the seizure of power is to wage the new democratic revolution, that means, a democratic, agrarian and anti-imperialist revolution with a social-ist perspective. This revolution is based on the alliance of workers and peasants under the leadership of the working class, establishing a democratic dicta-torship of the people. In many semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries, the strategic line of protracted people’s war is applicable.
The Marxist-Leninist-Mao Zedong Thought parties that are waging armed struggle as the principal form of revolu-tionary struggle in semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries are pursuing the strategic line of protracted people’s war. This strategy and tactics of peo-ple's war is one of the most advanced detachments of the proletarian revolu-tion and, therefore, should be sup-ported.
In the dependent countries, the seizure of power also requires a new democ-ratic revolution, i.e., a democratic, agrarian and anti-imperialist revolution in an uninterrupted way to socialism. The revolutionary struggle for power is developing in different fields of politi-cal and social struggle and can adopt the form of armed uprising, combined or not, with guerrilla warfare in the countryside.
In certain dependent European coun-tries, the anti-imperialist, people's de-mocratic revolution may take several forms of revolts and struggles aiming at the overthrow of the dependent political power and the establishment of the People's Democratic Power with a so-cialist perspective.
(c) Imperialist Countries
In the imperialist countries, the organi-zation and consolidation of the van-guard, the winning over of the decisive majority of the working class and in-volving the broad masses in the struggle against the government as well as the strengthening of the internationalist spirit comprise the main immediate duty. The initiation of working-class struggles and their development to higher levels and the strengthening of the proletarian class organizations con-stitute the main objective in the present period. Such an effort will prepare the Marxist-Leninist parties, the working class and the laboring masses to be able to play a decisive role in conditions of crisis and revolutionary situations. The revolutionary parties in the imperialist countries have the duty to form their members and the most advanced ele-ments with the orientation of over-throwing the bourgeois power and re-placing it with the new political power of the proletariat.
5. The strengthening of the Marxist-Leninist party in each country cannot be achieved unless it is based on the principles of the ceaseless class struggle, the propulsion of the revolution, the forcible destruction of the bourgeois state machine and the estab-lishment of the dictatorship of the proletar-iat. Particular attention must be paid to the process of party building that will link it tightly to the basic masses and the working class through its ideological and political strengthening. The communist parties must further develop their ability to build broad united fronts and alliances, and train them-selves and the masses for the decisive con-frontations with the bourgeoisie, feudalism and imperialism. In the contemporary situation, the ideological work and the ef-fective response to the bourgeois propa-ganda and to the revisionist theories, are of particular importance for the process of strengthening the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations. Organized youth work is the richest source for winning new party members.
6. The struggles in the different countries stand in dialectical interaction. It is neces-sary to carry out proletarian international-ism and to organize international solidarity for cooperation and mutual benefit. This requires a close unity of struggle of the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations. No line of demarcation must exist between the movement of the semi-colonial and de-pendent world and of the developed capi-talist countries – only the unity and the joint struggle will promote the common cause.
7. The Marxist-Leninist parties and organiza-tions recognize, in the contemporary condi-tions, those necessities through the re-sponse to the following duties:
(a) The decisive mobilization against the ”new” war inflicted upon the peoples and nations, covered up as a war against terror-ism.
(b) The promotion, support and solidarity with all the genuine popular, democratic and revolutionary movements all over the world.
(c) The concrete effort for the coordination of struggles and movements of the working class, especially those that develop in the multinational corporations which are estab-lished in several countries; the encourage-ment for holding regional meetings and the development of various forms of coordina-tion among the Marxist-Leninist parties.
(d) The support and solidarity with African communists in their involvement in build-ing a powerful democratic movement in Africa by strengthening Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations and building movements that fight against misery, plun-der and bloody crimes.
(e) The Marxist-Leninists must develop an ac-tive rank and file work for developing the militant women’s movement without which half of the working class and other people remains unorganized.
(f) In the growing mass movement against imperialist globalization, coordinated in-tervention is necessary in order to promote the anti-imperialist line and the socialist perspective as well as a principled debate with other currents. This orientation must also be supported wherever the working people and the youth are living, working, studying and fighting.

Signing parties and organizations:

• Marxist-Leninist Organization from Afghanistan, MLO Afghanistan
• Partido Comunista Revolucionario, P.C. R. Argentina
• Workers Party of Bangladesh, WP Bangladesh
• Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, MLPD
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Dominican Republic,
PC(M-L) Dominican Republic
• Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia, Greece
• CPI(ML) Janashakti, India ( “excepting the last sentence of the 1st para of point 4 (b), i.e....”In many semi-colonial...... is applicable.”)
• CPI(ML) New Democracy, India
• Japanese Communist League, JCL Japan
• Revolutionary Organization from the Congo, R.O. Congo
• Communist Organization of Luxembourg, KOL Luxembourg
• Nepal Communist Party (Mashal), NCP (Mashal), Nepal
• GML/Rode Morgen, Netherlands
• Workers’ Communist Party, AKP, Norway
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Panama, PC (M-L) Panama
• Movimiento Popular Revolucionario Paraguay Pyahura M.P.R.P.P., Paraguay
• Partido Comunista del Peru (Marxista-Leninista), PC del Peru (M-L)
• Communist Party of the Philippines, CPP Philippines
• Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist), CPSA (M-L) South Africa
• Partido Communista Revolucionario, PCR Uruguay
• Ray O. Light Group, ROL, USA
• Revindo, Revolutionary Organization from Southeast Asia



Resolution Number 4

On the perspective of the 7th International Conference and the preparation

of the 8th International Conference


1. The 7th International Conference was prepared and carried out very successfully.
A broad range of 25 organizations from Asia, Africa, America and Europe took part. 8 further organizations participated in the preparations, but were unable to attend. There was a broad participation in the discussion of all the partici-pants without exception and a fruitful exchange of experience. It was distinguished by a frater-nal, open and lively debate conducted on a principled basis among all participating organi-zations. The differing views and positions were discussed with the aim of achieving unity and of advancing the Conference. The common conviction was strengthened to continue this path of deepening and advancing mutual un-derstanding and increasing coordinated work. The participants emphasized the concept of multilateral organization and the need for new efforts to ensure the financing of the Confer-ence.
The Conference started with a cultural program in honor of Mao Zedong to commemorate the 25th anniversary of his death.
Four resolutions and a declaration of solidarity were adopted expressing the consensus in the respective items on the agenda:
• On the economic and political situation in the world
• On the advance of the struggle of the prole-tariat and the peoples
• On the situation and perspectives of the world communist movement
• On the perspective of the 7th International Conference and the preparation of the 8th In-ternational Conference
• Declaration in solidarity with the Afghan people and condemnation of the US war of aggression
2. The Joint Coordinating Group (JCG) prepared the Conference very well in spite of the changed political conditions. The JCG has systematically and all-sidedly informed the participants about all questions concerning the preparation of the 7th International Conference and organized a democratic exchange of views. It published 8 issues of the International Newsletter. This contained 63 contributions from a total of 20 organizations and parties. This expresses the growing initiative of the participating organizations. An extended JCG meeting with 11 organizations was the starting point for the multilateral preparation. The JCG could successfully prepare the 7th International Conference on the basis of the rules of the In-ternational Conference. A number of proposals for improving the future work of the JCG were made. The participants of the conference adopted the progress report of the JCG.
The principles adopted by the 6th International Conference for the cooperation of the Marxist-Leninist organizations were complemented in one point and have proved their worth as con-ference rules.
3. The 7th International Conference supports the initiative for an international solidarity committee for the people of Afghanistan.
It expressed its common conviction that reso-lute resistance has to be put up against the imperialist "New War" campaign of the USA.
4. The JCG was instructed to transform the International Newsletter into a public maga-zine. It should, for the time being, appear two to three times per year and be published in a sufficient number of copies. It should appear in English, Spanish and German.
5. The 7th International Conference decides to prepare and hold an 8th International Conference within a period of two to three years. For its preparation a new Joint Coordi-nating Group has been set up consisting of rep-resentatives from six parties and organizations. The JCG must find various forms for including the participating organizations in the process of preparing the 8th International Conference. In place of the previous function of a JCG chair-man, there should be a main coordinator rotat-ing in office every six months who, by rotation, will convene the JCG meeting and coordinate the running work. This change is intended to promote the collective responsibility of the par-ticipants of the IC.
The 7th International Conference calls on all Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations to take part in the preparation and holding of the 8th International Conference.
The International Conference is a forum of Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations.
Participation in the International Conference is based on the following main criteria.
• Adherence to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and their creative applica-tion in the conduct of the class struggle in each country.
• Struggle against modern revisionism, and a positive attitude towards Stalin and Mao.
• Acceptance of the Rules of the Conference.
The 4th Conference adopted the following prin-ciples on which the cooperation of the partici-pating Marxist-Leninist organizations is based, which were amended and again adopted at the 7th Conference.
• Independence and equality, mutual respect, mutual support and cooperation.
• Non-interference in internal affairs as well as in the bilateral or regional relations or any party or organization with other parties and organizations. Every organization is sover-eign in its conclusions.
• Consensus and unanimity in decision-making.
• Achieve gradual unity step by step; princi-pled debate and cooperation among par-ties/organizations and no public attack by any party/organization on another.
• Obligation of all participating organizations to prepare and conduct the 8th International Conference jointly in accordance with their possibilities.
• Financial independence and self-financing of the common work according to the possi-bilities.

Signing parties and organizations:

• Marxist-Leninist Organization from Afghanistan, MLO Afghanistan
• Partido Comunista Revolucionario, P.C. R. Argentina
• Workers Party of Bangladesh, WP Bangladesh
• Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, MLPD
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Dominican Republic,
PC(M-L) Dominican Republic
• Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia, Greece
• CPI(ML) Janashakti, India
• CPI(ML) New Democracy, India
• Japanese Communist League, JCL Japan
• Revolutionary Organization from the Congo, R.O. Congo
• Communist Organization of Luxembourg, KOL Luxembourg
• Nepal Communist Party (Mashal), NCP (Mashal), Nepal
• GML/Rode Morgen, Netherlands
• Workers’ Communist Party, AKP, Norway
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Panama, PC (M-L) Panama
• Movimiento Popular Revolucionario Paraguay Pyahura M.P.R.P.P., Paraguay
• Partido Comunista del Peru (Marxista-Leninista), PC del Peru (M-L)
• Communist Party of the Philippines, CPP Philippines
• Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist), CPSA (M-L) South Africa
• Partido Communista Revolucionario, PCR Uruguay
• Ray O. Light Group, ROL, USA
• Revindo, Revolutionary Organization from Southeast Asia



Solidarity Declaration No. 1

No to imperialist war of aggression of the United States against Afghanistan

1. A new war is developing, a new aggression of Yankee imperialism and other imperialist forces. In this case it is directed against Af-ghanistan, though other countries of the region and of the world are threatened and world peace is endangered, too.
2. Yankee imperialism is the main imperialist power which is responsible for exploitation, misery, suffering and several thousands of children, women and men who die every day of starvation and other plagues in the oppressed countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the whole world.
3. The United States is the biggest terrorist state of our time; it was the originator of the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; of the invasion and the war against North Korea, of the coup d'etat and the massacres in Indonesia, of the Vietnam War, the invasion in the Dominican Republic, the blockade of and permanent aggression against Cuba, of the promotion of coups d'ιtat in Latin America, the recent invasions in Grenada, Pa-nama and Haiti, the mass bombings against the civilian population of Iraq, Sudan and Yugo-slavia by deploying bombs with depleted ura-nium, of blockades against Libya and Iran, the support of state terrorist acts of Israel against
the Palestine people and the intervention in Co-lombia.
4. Attacks as carried out on September 11th, 2001, in the United States claim heavy casual-ties of innocent people, but Yankee imperial-ism utilizes it to cover that it is shaken by the economic crisis and needs to start a war of ag-gression; herewith, it wants to reinforce its con-trol over the enormous oil resources of the re-gion and to strengthen its arms industry in or-der to get out of recession, increase the exploi-tation of the oppressed countries and to defend its position as the main power in the inter-imperialist rivalry.
5. We, the international working class and the oppressed peoples of the world must adopt a clear attitude of struggle against this new ag-gression of Yankee imperialism and must most strongly develop our greatest solidarity with Afghanistan and all peoples of the attacked and threatened countries.
USA out of Afghanistan!
Afghanistan to the Afghan people!
Down with Bush's terrorist war in the name of war against terrorism!

Signing parties and organizations:

• Marxist-Leninist Organization from Afghanistan, MLO Afghanistan
• Partido Comunista Revolucionario, P.C. R. Argentina
• Workers Party of Bangladesh, WP Bangladesh
• Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, MLPD
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Dominican Republic,
PC(M-L) Dominican Republic
• Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia, Greece
• CPI(ML) Janashakti, India
• CPI(ML) New Democracy, India
• Japanese Communist League, JCL Japan
• Revolutionary Organization from the Congo, R.O. Congo
• Communist Organization of Luxembourg, KOL Luxembourg
• Nepal Communist Party (Mashal), NCP (Mashal), Nepal
• GML/Rode Morgen, Netherlands
• Workers’ Communist Party, AKP, Norway
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Panama, PC (M-L) Panama
• Movimiento Popular Revolucionario Paraguay Pyahura M.P.R.P.P., Paraguay
• Partido Comunista del Peru (Marxista-Leninista), PC del Peru (M-L)
• Communist Party of the Philippines, CPP Philippines
• Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist), CPSA (M-L) South Africa
• TKP/ML, Turkey
• Partido Communista Revolucionario, PCR Uruguay
• Ray O. Light Group, ROL, USA
• Revindo, Revolutionary Organization from Southeast Asia


Solidarity Declaration No. 2

End to massacre, isolation and torture


As the undersigning parties and organizations we condemn the massacre and isolation that takes place against political prisoners in the prisons of Turkey and Turkish Kurdistan. Fascist Turkish state is responsible for these attacks. Massacre, torture and isolation directed against the political prisoners must end right away.

Signing parties and organizations:

• Marxist-Leninist Organization from Afghanistan, MLO Afghanistan
• Partido Comunista Revolucionario, P.C. R. Argentina
• Workers Party of Bangladesh, WP Bangladesh
• Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, MLPD
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Dominican Republic,
PC(M-L) Dominican Republic
• Marxist-Leninist Communist Organization – Proletarian Way,
OCML Voie proletarienne, France
• Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia, Greece
• CPI(ML) Janashakti, India
• CPI(ML) New Democracy, India
• CPI(ML) Red Flag, India
• Japanese Communist League, JCL Japan
• Revolutionary Organization from the Congo, R.O. Congo
• Communist Organization of Luxembourg, KOL Luxembourg
• Nepal Communist Party (Mashal), NCP (Mashal), Nepal
• GML/Rode Morgen, Netherlands
• Workers’ Communist Party, AKP, Norway
• Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Panama, PC (M-L) Panama
• Movimiento Popular Revolucionario Paraguay Pyahura M.P.R.P.P., Paraguay
• Partido Comunista del Peru (Marxista-Leninista), PC del Peru (M-L)
• Communist Party of the Philippines, CPP Philippines
• Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist), CPSA (M-L) South Africa
• TKP/ML, Turkey
• Partido Communista Revolucionario, PCR Uruguay
• Ray O. Light Group, ROL, USA
• Revindo, Revolutionary Organization from Southeast Asia